Glossary of Terms

What is Contract Lifecycle Management (CLM)?

Contract Lifecycle Management Definition

Contract lifecycle management is the process of managing all stages of a contract, from creation to expiration. This includes drafting, negotiation, approval, execution, compliance, and amendments.

With the evolution of technology, it has become easier to manage contracts digitally rather than relying on physical copies or manual processes. Effective contract lifecycle management can help streamline business operations, reduce risk, and increase transparency. By implementing this process, businesses can ensure that contracts are not only properly executed, but that they are also fulfilling their intended purposes.

Contract Lifecycle Management Definition

When it comes to multi-vendor marketplaces, contract management encompasses the tracking and management of vendor agreements, including commission fees, payment processing, product listings, and customer service. The agreement between the seller and the platform is essential to ensure both parties understand their responsibilities and there is a clear commission structure.

Related terms

The take rate is the percentage of sales that a platform or marketplace takes as a commission.
A "Merchant of Record" (MoR) is a term used to denote the entity that is legally responsible for processing and handling customer transactions.
The payment orchestration layer is a technological layer that helps manage the complex and varied processes involved in moving money from one place to another.
Product Information Management, or a PIM, is a powerful tool that centralizes all of a company's product data into one system.
A Vendor Management system keeps track of vendor-related activities in one place.
An order management system (OMS) is a software application that allows you to automate and streamline your order processing.
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