Glossary of Terms

What is Payment Orchestration Layer?

Payment Orchestration Layer Definition

In the world of online payments, the payment orchestration layer is a crucial component that powers transactions and keeps the whole system running smoothly. Put simply, it's a technological layer that helps manage the complex and varied processes involved in moving money from one place to another.

Payment Orchestration Layer Definition

Think of it as an orchestra conductor making sure all the individual elements play their part in harmony to create a beautiful symphony. The payment orchestration layer can:

  • Handle multiple payment methods
  • Facilitate communication between different parties involved in a transaction
  • Provide analytics and insights into payment flows

By taking care of the technical details, this layer frees up businesses to focus on delivering great products and services to their customers.

Related terms

Contract lifecycle management is the process of managing all stages of a contract, from creation to expiration.
Product Information Management, or a PIM, is a powerful tool that centralizes all of a company's product data into one system.
A Vendor Management system keeps track of vendor-related activities in one place.
An order management system (OMS) is a software application that allows you to automate and streamline your order processing.
The take rate is the percentage of sales that a platform or marketplace takes as a commission.
A "Merchant of Record" (MoR) is a term used to denote the entity that is legally responsible for processing and handling customer transactions.
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