Glossary of Terms

What is Cloud Native Architecture?

Cloud Native Architecture Definition

Cloud native architecture refers to building and running applications in the cloud, with the goal of harnessing the full potential of cloud computing. This type of architecture emphasizes microservices, continuous delivery, and containerization, which enables the rapid development and deployment of applications. By following cloud-native principles, companies can streamline their development processes and create software that is both more agile and scalable than traditional monolithic applications.

With the rise of cloud computing, cloud-native architecture is quickly becoming the new standard for application development. According to a recent study Nautical commissioned with Forrester consulting, 78% of respondents indicated that cloud-native architecture was the most important technical features for their marketplace platforms.

Cloud Native Architecture Definition

Related terms

Being cloud agnostic means not being tied to any one particular cloud provider or platform.
Microservices is a popular approach to software architecture that breaks down an application into a collection of small, independent services.
An API, also known as an application programming interface, is a technology that allows different software applications to communicate with one another.
A marketplace platform is the technology behind a marketplace.
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