Glossary of Terms

What is a Product Catalog?

Product Catalog Definition

Product catalogs are an essential component of any successful ecommerce store. In simplest terms, a product catalog is a comprehensive list of products that a business has available for purchase. However, it's important to note that a good product catalog offers far more than just a list of items for sale. It should be an engaging and informative resource for customers, providing detailed information about each product, including photos, specifications, and pricing.

Product catalog definition

A well-designed product catalog is essential to creating a positive shopping experience for customers, as it makes it easy for them to browse and find what they're looking for. Without a clear and organized product catalog, ecommerce stores often struggle to convert visitors into customers.

Related terms

Product Information Management, or a PIM, is a powerful tool that centralizes all of a company's product data into one system.
Catalog management is the process of organizing and managing the various products or services you offer.
A product attribute is any characteristic or feature of a product that helps distinguish it from other products.
Master Data Management (MDM) is a method of managing the organization's critical data.
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